Holy Cross Cemetery & Funeral Center

Address 2200 East 18th St., Antioch, California, United States 94509

Phone(925) 757-0658

Business and Investment

Finest Cremation Services Near Antioch

Whether you’re pre-arranging your own funeral home services or you’re looking for a Cremation Services Near Antioch for your loved one who has passed away, we approach every situation with the care and compassion you deserve. For more info contact Holy Cross Cemetery & Funeral Center today.

Aiden Cooper

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    Business Working Hours

  • Sunday: 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • Monday: 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM

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Questions and Answers

Q: (Traduit par Google) Ryan Woodie Wood est-il enterré dans ce cimetière ? (Original) Is Ryan Woodie Wood buried at this cemetery?


(Traduit par Google) NON! C'est sa mère, Jody Wood, qui répond à cette question et je peux garantir que mon précieux fils n'est PAS enterré dans ce cimetière. Tout l'incident de la "pierre de mémoire" est une arnaque visant à obtenir de l'argent d'un compte go-fund-me créé par un fan extrêmement malade et délirant de Ry's. Veuillez ne pas contribuer au compte go-fund-me qui est une fraude concernant mon fils. Si vous tenez vraiment à mon fils, partagez le respect et la vérité sur ce stratagème frauduleux. Utilisez votre argent pour prendre soin de votre famille, mettre de la nourriture sur votre table, faire de l'essence dans votre voiture pour vous rendre au travail et aider les autres dans le besoin, car Ryan et moi voulons que votre argent durement gagné soit dépensé. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'un rocher, d'un monument ou d'un arbre pour honorer et être avec un être cher. Gardez-les simplement dans votre cœur, parlez-leur avec votre cœur et prenez soin des autres jusqu'à ce que vous les teniez à nouveau dans vos bras. Merci pour votre amour et votre soutien envers mon fils Ryan "Woodie" Wood et sa musique. Beaucoup d'amour à vous tous, Jody Wood / Woodie"/ East Co. Co. (Original) NO! This is his mother, Jody Wood, replying to this question and I can guarantee that my precious son is NOT buried at this cemetery. The whole "memory stone" incident is a scam to get money from a go-fund-me account created by a extremely sick and delusional fan of Ry's. Please do not contribute to the go-fund-me account that is a fraud regarding my son. If you truly care for my son, please share the respect and truth about this fraudulent scheme. Use your money to take care of your family, put food on your table, gas in your car to get to work and to help others in need, as Ryan and myself want your hard earned money to be spent on. You don't need a rock, or monument or tree to honor and be with a Loved One. Just keep them in your heart, speak to them from your heart and care for others until you are once again holding them in your arms. Thank you for your love and support of my son Ryan "Woodie" Wood and his music. Much Love to All of You, Jody Wood / Woodie"/ East Co. Co.

  • 6 years ago

Q: (Traduit par Google) Le cimetière Holy Cross est-il réservé aux catholiques ? (Original) Is Holy Cross Cemetery for Catholics only ?


(Traduit par Google) Absolument pas... ma mère et mes tantes étaient chrétiennes... et lorsque vous remplissez la paperasse, cette question n'apparaît pas. (Original) Absolutely not...my mom and aunts were christian... and when you doing the paperwork that question doesn't appear.

  • J
    Javy Pal
  • 3 years ago

(Traduit par Google) Nous servons toutes les confessions et pratiquons les rites funéraires chrétiens. Merci Néthe. Veuillez appeler notre bureau pour planifier une visite de nos magnifiques chapelles funéraires et du terrain du cimetière. (Original) We serve all faiths and practice the Rites of Christian Burial. Thank-you Nethe. Please call our office to schedule a tour of our beautiful funeral chapel(s) and cemetery grounds.

  • J
    Jarrod Bolliger
  • 3 years ago

Q: Is Ryan Woodie Wood buried at this cemetery?


NO! This is his mother, Jody Wood, replying to this question and I can guarantee that my precious son is NOT buried at this cemetery. The whole "memory stone" incident is a scam to get money from a go-fund-me account created by a extremely sick and delusional fan of Ry's. Please do not contribute to the go-fund-me account that is a fraud regarding my son. If you truly care for my son, please share the respect and truth about this fraudulent scheme. Use your money to take care of your family, put food on your table, gas in your car to get to work and to help others in need, as Ryan and myself want your hard earned money to be spent on. You don't need a rock, or monument or tree to honor and be with a Loved One. Just keep them in your heart, speak to them from your heart and care for others until you are once again holding them in your arms. Thank you for your love and support of my son Ryan "Woodie" Wood and his music. Much Love to All of You, Jody Wood / Woodie"/ East Co. Co.

  • 6 years ago

Q: Is Holy Cross Cemetery for Catholics only ?


Absolutely not...my mom and aunts were christian... and when you doing the paperwork that question doesn't appear.

  • J
    Javy Pal
  • 3 years ago

We serve all faiths and practice the Rites of Christian Burial. Thank-you Nethe. Please call our office to schedule a tour of our beautiful funeral chapel(s) and cemetery grounds.

  • 3 years ago

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